“This will be the most impactful project to the traveling public,” said Assistant City Manager Steve Bergstresser. “… Over half of Dorothy Lane is being repaved.”
A roughly 3.3-mile stretch of Dorothy Lane will be repaved from South Dixie Highway to Haig Avenue, just west of Wilmington Pike.
Although the project has a hefty price tag, $1.8 million is coming from the Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission, Bergstresser said.
The Golf Club Estates neighborhood will receive $2.8 million in street and drainage upgrades.
“This is one of our larger projects for 2025,” Bergstresser said.
The neighborhood just north of Kettering Health Main Campus will have all of its roads resurfaced in addition to the second phase of a storm sewer project that will relieve street flooding, he said.
More than $1 million is earmarked for general resurfacing on neighborhood streets, plus $710,000 for thoroughfare improvements to Patterson Road and East Stroop Road, which will be repaved near the Town & Country Shopping Center.
A grant is funding half of the $686,000 West Stroop Road project to install sidewalks between Stoneridge and Ridgeway roads.
Once complete, all of Stroop Road will have sidewalks along both sides, Bergstresser said.
A portion of Whipp Road, from Millshire to Bigger, will be repaved at a cost of $700,000.
The project involves repairing deteriorating curbs and sidewalks and resurfacing, Bergstresser said.
The walkway behind the Kettering Government Center at 3600 Shroyer Road also is on this year’s schedule.
“There are some steps that are in poor shape,” Bergstresser said.
The steps would need to be removed and replaced, a project that will cost $90,000.
Construction for all of the projects is expected to start in the spring and continue through the summer months.
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